While we sympathize with our customers in communist states, we are unable to ship standard capacity magazines to those areas. We have looked into this and have consulted legal counsel on the repercussions of even an accidental shipment to a banned state. Enforcement can and will reach across state lines and the punishment on our end would be either a large fine, revocation of our business license, or revocation of our FFL, or all of the above.
We understand that some Law Enforcement and Military are exempt from magazine bans in certain states, however, we still will not ship to you because we believe in equal rights. If a citizen cannot own a 30-round magazine, then law enforcement shouldn't be allowed to own them either. We hope that this policy will help law enforcement and military personnel fight for everyone's rights.
The current list of banned states is as follows: California, Illinois, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington State